Chng Nai Wee shows the relevance between medicine and technology in a series of
works. His exhibitions include images formed from positive prints of magnetic resonance scans, histology cuts and X-ray assemblage. Objects from
aluminum casts, circuit boards, and medical paraphernalia are used. Metallic paints, industrial solvents, pearlescent and fluorescent media are
He has an interest in the creation of organ and metal composites and is inspired by the world of microbiology, neoplasm, transplantation, pharmacology, artificial intelligence and robotics. He is not only concerned with form and function but the spiritual and psychosocial dimensions of his vision. His third solo exhibition Biotechnics was shown at the Substation, Singapore, in February 1998.
Chng received part-time training at the Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts, Singapore, and graduated from the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland. He has received the Dr Tan
Tsze Chor Art Award, the Young Artist Award, and Honorable Mentions at the Singapore Art Awards. He has received support from the National Arts Council and the Singapore International Foundation. He has exhibited widely and works at his resident studio in