An interview with the artist is featured in the October 2002 issue of the regional design magazine ISH which is retailed at the major bookshops such as Borders and Times.
3:57 PM
LIKE? will be installed at the Esplanade, Singapore in December 2002. The concept for the installations is featured on the cover of the Esplanade Visual Arts Festival catalog and is on retail at the Esplanade shop.
3:48 PM
I N V I T E D   G U E S T S  Proposals and projects are detailed in this section. Request for the username and password from the artist by e-mailing the artist.
2:04 AM
M O L E C U L U X - luminescent bodies in hyperspace Sculpture Square
155 Middle Road, Singapore
1st April to 31st May 2002
Autofluromoleculux, 2002. fabricated acrylic panels, cable-ties, water-proof light-cables, timer
3:05 AM