Nathanael Tan


Nathanael Tan possesses a Bachelor of Arts (Honours in Visual Arts) with Diploma in Education from Nanyang Technological University/National Institute of Education, Singapore. He is currently an art teacher in Bedok North Secondary School. He has participated in many art exhibitions including ARTSingapore 2002, The Contemporary Asian Art Fair, and Media Series, a four-artists multimedia exhibition. His monoprints titled Tree and Landscape were selected for public display for six months at People’s Association Headquarters, Singapore.

Source: Buffer-Kit


Art teacher, Nathanael Tan, 28, had encouraged Ryan and his classmates to contribute to the exhibition. "We started the digital art program as an experiment to see how the students will learn from it," said Mr Tan. "Ryan's class was selected and they learnt the software within the set curriculum time."


The Circle of Life Exhibition, which is on till Oct 31 at the Epson epSITE Gallery at Wheelock Place. Fourteen of the 28 paintings are by students under 16 years; 11 are by students from art colleges and tertiary institutions; and three are by amateur artists. The event is co-organised with the Nature Society of Singapore. All the digital artworks on display are inspired by nature.

Source: excerpt from Computer Times, Monet with a mouse, Sept 29, 2004, reported by Billy Teo